Sunday, March 27, 2011

Weekly Wrap: The World of Veg Cuisine for March 18-25, 2011


On Veg Cuisine

Lazy lasagne recipe
  • Lazy Lasagne Recipe
    It's ricotta-spinach lasagne but without the pain-in-the-tushie layering. 

Elsewhere on the interwebs

  • 6 vegetarian lasagna recipes (
    Add this to our lazy lasagne recipe and you have enough lasagne choices to last you through to next winter!

    News and “but-is-it” news

    On Veg Cuisine

    • Spring Cleaning the Kitchen
      I’m cleaning out the cupboard with a last round of vegetarian comfort food recipes before the good weather (and spring produce) hits. Send me your favourite recipes!
    • A Century of Meat
      The amount of red meat Americans eat is going down, but the amount of chicken is going up. Egg consumption is going down too. Canadians eat only about half of the American amount of meat. Hooray! But the New York Times writer who made this infographic Internet- famous feels bad for eating plants, too.
    • Sabre-toothed Brazilian veggiesaurus skeleton found
      The remains of an ancient sabre-toothed vegetarian creature were found in Brazil. I’m not sure I agree with using “vegetarian” in this context – did the animal choose not to eat meat? I’d be more inclined to call it an “herbivore”. But either way, these dog-like animals were apparently bad-ass, using their teeth to fight each other instead of to kill prey. Kinda reminds me of those big beefy athletes (the UFC’s Mac Danzig, anyone?) who subsist on plants.
      Story: Remains of ancient saber-toothed vegetarian found in Brazil (CTV News)
    Airline food
    Photo credit: mailtobee,
    • Vegetarian flicks crappy food at flight attendant
      It’s not really news, but for some reason the blogs are all over this one. Those vegetarians are just plain crazy. Probably due to a lack of protein.
      Story: No peas and Q's for raging in-flight veg gal (New York Post)
    • Tasty iPhone apps for vegetarians
      I wish I had an iPhone so I could test these apps out and tell you which are the best. But for free or a small fee, you can find out yourself. I can especially see the usefulness of pulling up a list of non-vegetarian ingredients to help you grocery shop. But what’s wrong with a website? Do iPhones not “do” actual websites? Websites are free.
      Story: Tasty iPhone apps for vegetarians (Appolicious)
    • Tofurky Tuesdays
      As if there aren’t enough days and weeks to remember (yesterday, tomorrow…no wait, more like Meatless Mondays, Veguary, Soup Sundays…) Tofurky is jumping on the wagon with Tofurky Tuesdays. Who else is sick of other people telling us what to eat? By the way, check out the Veg Cuisine blog for some tasty dinner ideas ;)’s web page: Tofurky Tuesdays
    • Are vegetarians smarter?
      I don’t see any references with this The Jakarta Post article, but it’s an interesting perspective nonetheless. Ignore the boring headline and skim down to the part where they talk about IQ’s.
      Story: Teenagers going vegetarian (The Jakarta Post)

      (Also related: Born to be vegan on Asia One Health follows a similar line, describing how meat is toxic. I don’t think most North Americans would take well to reading that in their morning paper). 


      1. Haha I know I'm totally late commenting on this, but that airline food story kills me! So funny - and so relatable. I will never understand why they always serve that nasty rice with raisins in it, and give me grape jam with my dinner roll instead of margarine. Yuck!

      2. Bec - I've only flown to Europe and I thought the plain white pasta with tomato sauce was bad! But that just sounds bizarre. And like the recipe for blood sugar spikes.
